Our Mission
We exist to connect our community to Christ.
Our Strategy
Connect to Christ - Gatherings and Groups
Connect to Church - Ministry and Membership
Connect to Community - Mission and Multiplication
Our Core Values
Biblical Teaching
The Bible is our source of truth, without error and totally trustworthy. It is the basis for all we believe and practice and is as relevant for us today just as it was to the culture it was written in. Whenever teaching occurs in the life of our church it is based on the Word of God.
Inter-generational Connection
Strength in community happens when people of all ages, race, and economic levels are living, serving, and worshiping side-by-side. We hope to be a community of worshipers where people from all walks of life can be in relationship with each other and experience the community of God.
Healthy Relationships
The key to a thriving church is an atmosphere of accepting relationships where people are building authentic friendships through and in Jesus Christ. We believe that people need a place where they have a sense of belonging, a place where they can feel safe, a place where they can find forgiveness, a place where they can find support and encouragement.
Community Impact
Community Impact takes us outside the walls of our church. Saguaro Canyon Church wants to compassionately serve our local community, as well as, actively participate in missions around the world. We want to reach our city and the “uttermost parts of the earth”.
Passionate Prayer & Worship
We believe in the power of prayer. Therefore, the ministries and activities our church will be characterized by a reliance on personal and corporate prayer in all areas of our lives and ministry. Worship is designed to focus our attention towards God. He is an audience of one and we gather together to all participate in giving God the honor and praise He deserves. Our worship gatherings are designed to help edify, admonish and spiritually refresh.
Team Ministry
We mobilize every member for ministry. Because each member of the body has something of importance to offer God and His church, they are needed by the body in fulfilling its functions and purpose.
Multiplying Faith
We believe healthy things multiply healthy things. Believers multiply believers, leaders multiply leaders, and churches multiply churches. We hope to see growth through multiplication. This is all about investing in people, who in turn can invest in others. We multiply what we do, by investing and deploying people.